Tuesday 12 July 2011

Heading West

Lake Superior

Waterfalls in Wisconsin

We left Bracebridge and started heading West through Sudbury and
Sault St.
Marie Ontario. This part of Ontario is full of lakes and we followed Lake Huron for quite a way. We stopped several times and Ed threw his fishing rod in the stream or lake and caught many small fish. He threw them all back but had a great time. There is a lot of mining done in this part of the country. Lots of bare rock, some reddish color as Copper is mined here. We crossed back into the US and have travelled through Michigan and Wisconsin and Minnesota. The trees are much smaller and more sparse.  Following Lake Superior is quite pretty but now we are in North Dakota and there are no more coniferous trees. There are a few hills but it is getting quite flat. We will continue travelling through Grand Forks and then head North back into Canada and go to Winnipeg as I have relatives and friends there.

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