Tuesday 19 July 2011


Ed with Pickerel fish

At the Lake

Arlys and Auntie Eleanor
We have been in the Winnipeg area from Wednesday thru to Monday. We went to a fishing resort with my Aunt Eleanor and my cousin Barrie. Though Ed and Barrie tried valiantly they only caught a few pickerel that they could keep. So we will have a couple of good fish feeds on the road. It is very hot here. (34F). And lots of huge mosquitoes. I am so bitten. Now I remember why we left Winnipeg! It has been a very nice visit with them as we don’t see each other very often. On the road again towards Alberta. We just passed through the Souris area which has had a lot of flooding. There is nothing on the road but you can see all the flooded fields. It is very flat and lots of long straight road for Ed to drive. He can’t wait to get back to the mountains and a little different terrain with a few bends in the road.

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